Monday, May 27, 2013

majlis perkahwinan my cousin

yesterday, wedding reception of my cousin.. Aliff and her wife Zaiton
was held at Pustaka in Kuching

as u can see, theme colour for family is orange!
i just realize its awesome when orenge is everywhere!
suddenly i fall in love with orange colour..hehehe...

the sisters.

its a very nice reception
love the color combination *color again hehehe...
the pelamin was pink and white, the family themed outfits is orange
for me that was fantastic combination
nice color to see and brighent the surrounding to look more ceria!

bride and groom with the girlssss... 

congrats to both of you!
moga kekal selamanya & bahagia selalu.....!!

Arianna not in the picture
she's not in a really good yesterday..huhuhu
become very picky of whom holding her...

yup. thats mean shes getting bigger and wiser of her surrounding...

Friday, May 17, 2013

my growing up lilttle girl

my little girl, Arianna
u grow up so fast
another 5 days, ure 4 months old
my little girl,
i love u so much 
(u and your daddy!) *hiks

my little girl,
momma feeling sad somehow
to think that im gonna miss this moment,
that u now a baby

my little girl,
i love taking care of u and play with u,
ur smile and ur laugh,
are my best medicine

it makes me feel like i want u to stay be a baby for a longest time,
but i know, it never be fair for you

my little girl,
be strong like u always do,
u..are a strong one,
i know.

my little girl,
momma always here for u.
though momma dont gain any money for the moment just to raise u up,
but momma is happy
as i raise u up on my own care,
ure always on my eyes 24/7,
it gives me the best feeling,ever.

my little girl,
momma and babah adore and love you very much
we always pray the best for you
stay cute and grow up well, Arianna! ;)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hello sunday!

Currently in kl