Saturday, May 26, 2012

angan-angan juga bisa nyata kan?

apa rezeki in english ehh?
"i dunno i dunno"
nak google translate?next time lah..

Alhamdullilah..marriage is really something..
tanpa di duga, rezeki datang bagai mimpi!
mimpi yang selalu ku harapkan agar nyata..

walau kosong... tiba2 rezeki datang lapor diri,sapa sangka?

option sekarang cuma nak terima atau tolak..
kalau asyik menolak,bila nak maju..
walhal itu yang kau mau..

apa kata terima saja..
dan doa agar semuanya baik2 belaka..
moga perjalanan menyebelahi segala aturan dan rancangan..

walau nak menggerakkan nya perlukan suatu suntikan yang diri kekurangan.
but its ok.
doa 'jak' anne. (jak means sahaja in Sarawak Malay Language)
who knows rite?

tapi jangan lah gopoh..biar satu per satu  rancangan diatur..
paling penting, jangan cepat gopoh! dan jangan cepat pikir negatif!
cepat putus asa.. cepat melenting.. cepat jatuh semangat..
i dont want to think like that Anymore..huhu

i always DREAM big..reallyyyyy..'berangans' mmg adalah hobi..hahah..
but to make an effort..its kinda hard for me..
apa masalah nya???
of coslah..

me myself and i.
bukan orang lain.

NO NO NO!!! dont ever be like that again,Anne..pls.

all above are really really special dedication to myself.
who always be like that. huhuhu~sad,.
really dont wanna be like that again la...
can i?

Can I?

Yes! its a MUST.

buang jaoh all the negetive sense that always with u anne!
now i really want to do better, be better for a better future and better life..Amin..
moga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan jayanya dan dipermudahkan..Amin..

agar Mimpi ini benar benar bisa jadi Nyata...

Amin.. :)

heart says: Positive sense,please be with me all the time..and..dont ever leave ok! hehehe.. ;)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

unhealthy me.

i am having a long long holidayyyyyy...
yeaahhh..i love it! and can get damn bored at the same time.

am having holiday before am getting married
and almost 3 weeks after my wedding am still having a lovey dovey holiday!!!hehe
not going anywhere..just aroung kuching..
not honeymoon yet.
but honeymoon at home already so enough for now. hiks! :D

now i know how i will feels when i am in long holiday.
nothing to do,
really really got NOTHING to do..
always planning to cycling or jogging on the evening.
then u know what happen on the evening?
it heavy rainy day~
yeah.i making me gaining my weight! urhhh..
this is sick.

getting more sick when i woke up in the morning at 10 am!
so late!
i know..hhuhuuhu
then what else will i do after that?

eat breakfast.
then watch tv.
then wash dishes.
then cook for lunch.(sometime i skip this)
then eat again.   -__-
go back to bedroom.
online.but done do blog update. (so lazy me!!!!)
the 'maybe' will sleep.again!!
then when its evening,then the rain falls down..

so unhealthy me.
getting worst when do nothing but i still having my dinner.
damn worry bout my weight now..
i think i already petting some fats! dushhhhhhhh..
hate this. feel like so unhealthy.
become a very lazy me.too bad for me.  -____-

i must change this..
i MUST CHANGE thins!
and can't wait to start my biz again!
miss it muchhhoss....

i want to try to get up early then cycling..
if rain keeps continue to fall in the evening..
but..can i do that??
"hopefully~"(in lazy mode)still. hurmmm :-|

Thursday, May 10, 2012

tapi bagaimana

baru lepas tengok video ni..
i like! cute..much cute... :)

Tie the Knot..lima mei 2012

5th May 2012,
berakhir sudah status bujang saya!

now i am a married one??
i'm confuse.hehehe...

finally the date was the day i tie the knot with my lovely husband, Wan Abdul Nasser..
much known as Achen.. ;)

finally,after more than 5 years of relationship as a couple..
now we're husband and wife..

this is what i wish for my life..
i am happy..and feel more happier now..
with my husband always be by my side..
now dah boleh goleng sama2! eh,ahaks!

i remember that last year,
i set on my target to get married.
paling akhir pun kawin mesti 2012..
paling lewat desember 2012.not more than that..
why? bcoz i takut i tak hidup lama.
yes,so whatever me. -__-
i never tell anybody bout this before.

my dream and wish to get married has come true!
everything going so smoothly and so well.

hari akad nikah 5 mei 2012 Sabtu berjalan dengan lancar.
i feel so calm and peace on that day..
takda perasaan neves terlampau..cos normally that is how i am..huhu
thanks god :')

have a pose sebelum akad nikah..

during Akad..picture blurrrr.still waiting more photos from the photographer..